Wednesday, July 02, 2014

My Life is Office Space Post #2

Office Space is my new bible.

Lets list off all the managers and manager types I work with.

  1. My Actual Manager (Mgr) - Doubles as Execution Lead #1. Speaks to me occasionally, thinks I'm doing only things he told me to do.
  2. Project Manager #1 (Mgr) - Has been talking to me a lot recently since paranoia is high and our deliverables are coming due.
  3. Project Manager #2 (Mgr) - Wants me to work on only his project full time. Doesn't seem to understand that this is actually priority #3 for me.
  4. Execution Lead #2 - Only guy who actually talks to me on a consistent basis to get updates. Sits 1 cube away.
  5. Logic Manager (Mgr) - Drops by when issues are already getting fixed. Gets the updates 3rd hand. Seems to think I know whats going on.
  6. Circuit Architect - Assumes I'm much more competent than I probably am. Leaves me alone until he wants to review things. Doesn't understand how much work some of my tasks are.
  7. Logic Architect #1 - Hard as hell to get a hold of. Need his input on just about everything. Only drops by when he thinks there is an issue with my stuff. 
  8. Logic Architect #2 (Mgr) - Likes my work, thinks I know things I probably don't. Comes to my cube directly for updates which I like.

So, every few days, there is some issue which comes up, such as a simulation breaking, and I hear about it from some subset of these (at least 2-3). This, is my TPS report.

Current Mood : Annoyed
Current Music : Need to find a new band.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Currently trapped underneath a sleeping baby.

Monday, June 10, 2013

How NOT to put Liana to bed.

Step 1 - Try to get some sleep myself.
Step 2 - Place Liana flat on her back in her bassinet.
Step 3 - Don't make any noise.
Step 4 - Don't swaddle the baby.
Step 5 - Step out of the room
Step 6 - Shut the door behind you.

If you haven't guessed. My little girl has been causing me to get no sleep. Jessica deals with her all day, so when I'm home, I try and give her a break by letting her sleep, and only waking her up when it is time to "Feed the Beast" as we've now started calling it.

My secret to putting Liana to sleep? Pretty much resigning to doing everything exactly the opposite as above.  She seems to sleep just fine when swaddled directly on my legs with some constant noise, and of course, when I would like to sleep myself.

Current Mood : Too many things
Current Music : Green Day's Dookie album

Friday, May 24, 2013

New Life

Well, we've created a little poopie monster. In other words, I had a little girl. Liana Rosalyn Scott. She's awesome. This week's been hectic. I've been taking care of both Jessica and Liana since she had to have a c-section. Things are finally settling down though. Got 5 hours of sleep last night. Pretty good. Grooves are getting settled into and what not. You can check my facebook or actually hit me up through email/phone/IM if you really care about other people's kids.

In other news, I finally purchased some music legally after quite a long time of not buying anything. I'm getting into the Chiptune genre of music recently. Here is one that is stuck in my head currently.

Current Mood : Exhausted
Current Music : Superpowerless - Monsters

Monday, May 06, 2013

Pets and Children

Let me start by saying that I realize that every situation is different. Times and circumstances may change and force a persons hand. 

Now that I have said that, it is time to rant on people who have pets, but purposefully move into places where pets aren't allowed. I often see some people trying to get someone to take care of their cat or dog because the new apartment they are moving into does not allow pets. 

This irritates me. 

I am of the opinion that if you have acquired a pet, such as a dog or a cat, you have made a commitment to that animal that you will be taking care of it for as long as humanly possible. Not just when it is convenient for you. I have 2 cats, and want a dog to round things out. I made these choices knowing full well that not everywhere will allow cats and dogs. It is the same kind of commitment I made when deciding to have a kid. Your life isn't the same with a baby, just like it isn't the same when you have pets. I wouldn't even consider a living situation which wouldn't allow me to take my precious furry friends with me.

In summary, if you aren't going to be able to take care of a pet, or aren't responsible enough, don't get a dog/cat. 

Current Mood : Rain!
Current Music : Mad Men Intro