Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Sugar and HSPICE

So I'm been sitting here running these HSPICE simulations, trying to figure out why my results for this low power coding technique aren't matching up with those that are published, and I figured I'd blog while the sims were running...

I'm going to Vegas this weekend. It should be fun. Visiting my mom since its her B-day and Mothers Day. I get to see my dogs again. I'm looking forward to that, even though they will slobber all over me.

I was going to post a movie review of the new Hitchhikers Guide movie, but I'm kinda lazy and not in the mood to be thinking.

On a completely different note, I found out that the limit for fresh fruit that I can buy at the grocery store is 3. Any more than that and they end up going bad since I hardly eat them. Makes ya think I should probably be healthier and eat the stuff more often. I like fruit, but I love processed foods so much. It will kill me someday.

Adios amigos.

Current Mood : Eh.
Current Music : Dynamite Hack : Boys in the hood

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