Due to the events of the Boston Marathon today, I got to thinking about a conversation I had with someone or other about how I'd like to die. At the time, I couldn't really think of a good answer, so I said, "In a blaze of glory fighting off zombies". Now, due to the unrealistic nature of this scenario, it probably won't happen.
Instead, I've come up with an alternate death. I have always found the deaths of the people who climb Mount Everest very interesting. Due to the extremely high altitude, bodies do not decompose well, if at all (depending upon location, etc...). Here is a good link describing it, dead-bodies-on-mount-everest. Dying there effectively immortalizes those who died, because it is too hard to recover the bodies, and they won't decompose. I think that would be my ideal answer.
However, there is no way in hell I'd attempt a climb like that. I have crappy lungs as it is, and an awesome wife and child on the way that would miss me.
Current Mood : Procrastinating...
Current Music : Dragon Warrior Castle Theme.
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