Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So I realized that I probably have a few hundred Magic: The Gathering cards floating around my parents garage that I got when I was like, 10, or something... That is unless they got rid of them, like I probably said to do. Who knows. I might have gotten rid of them myself. But the fact of the matter is, I looked online to see if they were worth anything. Turns out I think I had maybe 2 cards worth $100 each. If I remember, I'll have to check with the parents next time I go down to visit... which probably won't be til after the baby.

Oh yeah, we are learning a little American Sign Language to do some baby sign language with. So far I know how to say "eat cat poop". It's the best swearing I can do so far with what I know.


Current Mood : Procrastinating
Current Music : Harlem Shake. Yeah. You know it.

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