Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crazy Week

So last week was pretty crazy for me. I had my orientation for my new job in the Rotational Engineering Program (REP), met up with some high school peeps, went to my 10 year high school reunion, and finished another chapter in my thesis.

Monday: Went to Lab for a while, made my Pecha Kucha presentation, and drove down to Santa Clara and was put up at the Biltmore Hotel.

Tuesday: Had my first day of orientation. Met the other 23 people in my program and had plenty of team building activities. Went out for Chinese with the group. Ended up being a driver for the week since I was one of the few with cars. Good for me though because this forced me to be social.

Wednesday: Gave my Pecha Kucha, heard some pretty cool talks by bigwigs at Intel, and went for Indian with my fellow REPers.

Thursday: More talks, team building, orientation, and pictures in front of the Intel sign. Got plenty of schwag throughout the week including 2 shirts, a backpack, mouse/mousepad, notebook/pen and water bottle.

Friday: Did some community service at Sacred Heart and wrapped up orientation. Went out for drinks with the Santa Clara REP and Oregon REPs who were leaving later in the evening. Called up the Robles and continued the party at their place.

Saturday: Picked up Jessica and Robles, and went to our Harbor High School Reunion. It was pretty sad. Only 35 or so of 270 people came. Talked to some people I haven't talked to in years. Nothing has changed.

Sunday: Recovered from the week. Tried to do some school work, but couldn't concentrate.

Current Mood : Lazy
Current Music : Batman theme song as sung by a Pug.

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