Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shameless Plug

Today my blog post is going to be a shameless plug for my peeps.

Plug #1

Jessica's chorus group, the Sacramento Women's Chorus is putting on a performance this Saturday April 24th @ 7PM. I don't really know many details, but if anyone wants to come, give a call or email.

Plug #2

My parents have converted the studio they were renting out, and the Vegas condo to something along the lines of a bed and breakfast with taxi service. So check out the websites. for Santa Cruz for the Las Vegas condo

Jessica and I stayed at the Santa Cruz location as a trial run. The place is nice! If I had the money, I'd stay at a place like that.

Anyways, back to eating some awesome Chuy's!

Current Mood : Hungry
Current Music : Little Miss Can't Be Wrong by the Spin Doctors

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