Monday, March 26, 2012

No Nuts

So this weekend I binged on watching "Life On Mars" (the U.S. remake) due to my hungover nature on Saturday/Sunday. The show had a good premise. However it was cut short due to ABC deciding to cancel it. Too many good shows have been cancelled while other $h1#y ones continue on... Don't even get me started on all the reality TV crap. I haven't watched the BBC version yet, but I can't imagine it being as immersive since they don't get the "Hollywood" level funding for TV shows. However it is critically acclaimed. So I guess I might give it a try once I finish the last few episodes of the US version.

Anyways, it's about a present day detective that was in an accident and wakes up in the year 1973. The best part is the music. I also dig the cars and a lot of the style that the show has in general. I guess I like the 70s. Harvey Keitel was also a main character on the show which means it can only be good. Check it out on Netflix streaming. 

Current Mood : Fat
Current Music : Windy by The Association

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