Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I have been a little scatter-brained today. I was just pouring myself some iced-tea, and for some reason I had gotten the honey out (which I usually do for hot-tea). "No problem," I thought, "I'll just make some chai as well since I am going to be up late. So I reach for the coffee pot to make some hot water, and BAM! I drop the damn thing. It shatters. Glass everywhere. I was barefoot, and stepped out of the kitchen, I look at my foot, glass is in my toe. I pull it out. No blood, I'm good. I put on my sandals, sweep up the mess, and then realize I've been bleeding on my sandals and the floor. $@!&@#.

Now I can't make tea.

Current Mood :

Current Music : Spider scurrying noises from Penumbra

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So that's why the broom was in the kitchen. Poor baby.