Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Nights

I never like Sundays. I always have something I have to try and finish for Monday. And I usually waste the whole day anyways. Take today for example. I woke up late, had some pancakes, and then went to school for 4 hours attempting to get something done which I think would have been easy had I just started over on it. But I kept trying to make what I had, work. So nothing got done.

I then went back home, had some food, and played some video games I bought off of Steam (I absolutely love that service) for a few bucks. Then I watched Delicatessen with Jessica. It was actually a French film I liked, and was directed by Jean-Pierer_Jeunet. Way better than City of Lost Children and Alien Resurrection, but not quite as good as Amelie. Now that I've seen almost all of a French director's films, I feel like a film critic.

Current Mood : Bah!
Current Music : Some weird musical saw and cello thing that is stuck in my head.


Michelle said...

Here is the musical saw & cello piece from 'Delicatessen':
This piece is a musical saw classic. It was featured at last year's NYC Musical Saw Festival ( - there's a 'Videos' page).

Jessica said...

But you had PANCAKES! Must have been somewhat of a good day :)

Mackenzie R Scott said...

Very true. Pancakes are awesome. Especially when my awesome girlfriend makes them for me!

And thanks to Michelle (whoever she may be) for adding that link.