Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jobby Job

As I'm sure I said in a previous post, I'm starting my job search since it is now January. Tuesday I updated my resume, and yesterday I went to a career fair on campus. Sadly, I'm so specialized that it usually requires a more elaborate process to hire me, if a company wants to hire PhDs at all. I did manage to talk to four companies which were enthusiastic about my qualifications. The Intel lady even said I should expect a callback. Though I do hope I hear back from Sony, as the guy said I would be working on new Playstation gadgets if I was hired.

Anyways, my goal is to accomplish something new each day for my job search. If you read this blog, you may expect to hear from me.

Current Mood : Caramel Macchiato
Current Music : A damn Backstreet Boys song playing in the coffee shop.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Haha! I have that damn Backstreet Boys song stuck in my head now too.