Friday, October 16, 2009


I was reading my daily news, and I found a post which I think sort of sums up how I feel about the news. I agree with her completely on this subject.

For those which don't care to read the article, it says that people who report the "news" aren't doing a good job, because they saturate the airwaves with things which should not be receiving the same level of attention as important issues which may impact people. This particular instance of "balloon boy" really seems horrible, especially when it came out that the whole damn thing was for some media whoring. I know Americans are dumb and don't care about real issues, but that is why they really need to hear about them. To a degree, several people I know are like this, so I take the time to inform them of what I consider to be important things happening in the world from time to time.

Current Mood : I can't find my code!
Current Music : none

1 comment:

Jessica said...

The media is dumbing down Americans to not think for themselves and look at the real news events. And I'm one of them!