Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm currently on my laptop, at the San Francisco Airport Westin hotel, at 3AM. I can't sleep. Or maybe I just don't want to. I attribute this to a combination of factors:
  • Today (I guess it's yesterday by now) I just gave my first conference talk. I think it went well.

  • I had some wine and horrendous amounts of meat at the conference banquet, which makes my body ache.

  • I realized that I have very little time to finish my qualifying exam proposal. So this weekend will be shot.

  • To make matters worse, it's my birthday. I'm now old. Late 20s.

So I'm celebrating by "partying," aka, refusing to go to sleep.

Current Mood : Insomnia-ish
Current Music : Tank Girl on HBO with the sound off.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Happy Birthday Mackenzie! Please don't say you are old because your dear aunt is 20 years older than you which would make me....Older than Shit!?!?! Hope all is well. I saw Jessica's blog--are you both moving? Hope all is well in that area--don't know if your dad told you but Jack and Dawn are divorcing and Rees and Tami are seperated! I don't think I can deal with any more breakups right now! Have a drink on me! Carol