Monday, June 05, 2006

Social Patterns of the Adult Species : Homo Sapien

Ever notice how some people are so easy going and never get into any trouble? They aren't complicated at all, they say what they mean, and do what they say. Well I'd like to classify myself as one of these people. However, this doesn't always turn out how we'd like it to. I think one of the reasons I hate people are the silly social intricacies that you have to deal with when dealing with people.

On a side note, one of the positives while at the same time negatives about having a blog is that sometimes people actually read it. Whereas I like the theraputic aspects of a blog, you can't always say everything you'd like to. For example, I have to exercise self restraint when talking about specifics of things sometimes. I could make the blog private, but then that really just defeats the purpose of having one. I could just as easily keep a silly little journal beside my bed.

Anyways, peace out. I'm going for a walk.

Current Mood : Annoyed
Current Music : Hatebreed, Live For This

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