Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring Break 2006 - Big Sur

So we were camping at Big Sur this spring break. It consisted of me, Jessica, Brian, and Angela. It ended up being pretty fun. The first day was good, we basically took a walk by the river and just were being goofy.


Little did we know that it would rain that night. Actually we did know, but we didn't care. Turns out our tent leaked a little, and we got wet and woke up ass early in the morning.

Camping Breakfast

After waking up early, we decided we'd just drive up to Monterey to wait out the storm. Got some good food at Kathy's. Good food, good deal, good service. I highly recommend it. After getting our grub on, we basically just ended up doing more touristy things in Monterey.

Where 2-Pac and Biggie go to eat

These things included going to Fisherman's Wharf, and Cannery Row. But the best part is always the aquarium. Sadly, a lot of the pictures I was taking didn't really turn out that well, since I didn't really know how to work my camera. However the Jellyfish exhibit was pretty cool.

Watching the tide

We killed a lot of time at the aquarium and just walking around since we were there from 7:30 in the morning. Sea-life is very calming and good for stress. Plus I think the sea air always helps me feel better when I go back to the bay area from Davis.

Awesome Jellyfish

Soooo cute!

After the aquarium, we got some more good food at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant. It was pretty funny since we saw a Forrest Gump impersonator trying to get little kids to run around while yelling "Run Forrest, Run!" at them and giving them candy from his box of chocolates.

A Scary Forrest Gump

When we finally got back to our campsite, it was soaked. The river was all shitty intead of clear like it was when we first got there, the paper towels were all crapped out, and my shoes were soaked. Good thing we got some of those Dura-flame logs and dried out all the wet stuff by the fire.

Sitting around the campfire

Brian being badass

Our next day we embarked on a 3-4 mile journey to the ocean, uphill both ways of course. Luckily there were some things along the way to keep us entertained. These things included having to ford a small river freshly made from all the rain, some cool horses, and of course the regular wildlife.

Look at all the pretty horses

Fording a river

Once at the beach, it was all worth it. The scenery was beautiful. Lots of people drove to this park, and we walked, so the ranger was pretty surprised. She told us about the purple sand which from what I figured was just a layer created from some purplish rocks on the cliffs. Still pretty cool though.

Jessica by the natural bridge

Purple sand. Prince would love it.

Me and Vo climbed up some of the rocky cliffs to make our way to the tops of the natural bridges. Of course, since we are badass, we did it barefoot, and after which I looked down, and got scared shitless since we were high up.

Me back from climbing the rocks

The next day we headed home, where I was greeted by my doggies leo and lena. After spending a couple days in Santa Cruz pretty much just watching movies, I headed back up to Davis to end my short days of freedom.



Current Mood : Tired
Current Music : Bad Religion, Against the Grain

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