Thursday, March 02, 2006

Doctor? Doctor. Doctor!

So I've finally caved in. I've become a tool of academia. I'm going for my PhD. Why you ask? Well I like my lifestyle, I can still get a good job with one, and I'll feel intellectually stimulated. I talked with my family and Jessica and they all felt that it was a good idea. My friends will probably say I'm a tool, while my fellow lab mates are happy that I can be one of "those guys" along with them. Hey, if I can get more funding the way I am now, then I'll be happy. TAing or other things are pretty fun too. Anyways, thought I'd drop the bomb on anyone who cares to read this.

Oh yeah, if anyone actually wants to be included on some sort of blog email list whenever I publish this thing, let me know. I think I have to include you on this list thingy in the settings.

Current Mood : Slimey.
Current Music : TRON! Well its not music, but it should be.


Anonymous said...'re going to be a super geek!

One day I'll get around to applying to grad school...once I start studying for it. But I like not being a poor student >.<


Anonymous said...

Mackenzie's hot