Tuesday, November 09, 2004

All Things Political

I apologize to those who actually read my blog for the lack of updates recently. I have been swamped with school work and have had to deal with car trouble along with trying to finish my power consumption project in time for the Nov. 22nd conference paper due date. On to things political...

What can I say about the election? I'm not pleased at the outcome. Even more so, I'm not pleased with the majority of Americans. I would like to have thought that my generation knew better, but what can ya do? At least with Bush in office for four more years, he can no longer run for re-election. That is when the madness will start anew.

So yeah, global warming has been making the news a lot. I can't believe that some people (I won't mention who) seem to believe its some sort of myth, like the boogeyman. We (America) really should start acting on that.

On a different note, I was surprised at the number of states that implemented gay marriage bans. I didn't even know it was on the ballot in that many states. My view is such... I had a gay uncle and knew some awesome gay people. Who am I to deny them marriage to one that they love? I'm not god/gods/a higher power, I don't judge people. Actually there seemed to be quite a debate on Amanda's Live Journal.

Current Mood : Relieved
Current Music : I wish I had music, but earlier I was listening to Bad Religion


Anonymous said...

I assure you that most people do not actually believe that global warming is a myth. They simply believe that more research is needed before millions of dollars are spent on preventing something that might not even exist. There are many possible explanations for warming temperatures. For example, it has recently been shown that throughout the last century the sun has been going through a period of increased sunspots, which could be a cause of warming temperatures.

damn you are probably going to figure out who this is.

Mackenzie R Scott said...

If you don't believe its a myth, then you don't believe it exists. So what you said is kind of contradictory.

Basically what I meant was that certain peoples want more research to be done so that eventually someone will say the perception they have of the world : Global Warming doesn't exist, despite tons of research to the contrary.

Yes more research needs to be done. I know there have been sunspots, and we are on the edge of an ice age so things should warm up anyways, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't curb our contribution to global warming anyways. Keyword, prevention.

Even if it didn't exist, does that mean that companies should still put out the tons of harmful gases? No. Because it would still affect everyone that breathes the air.

For example, kind of off topic : If you were to take your trash, and instead of dumping it at the dump, dump it in say... my backyard, even though there was no proof I would kick your ass, would you?

Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that debate kicked ass. I really did appreciate your comment.
That guy totally sucked.

Lee Wells said...

Ok perhaps we can find some middle ground here. You do have a point about people breathing toxic gases. I think people are too extreme if they try and deny the existence of it all together. On the other hand, I also do not agree with the people who try and preach to all that the earth is dying and we have to do radical things to prevent it. I am just saying that we should be cautious about changing environmental policies if we do not know exactly what the cause of damage is.

Mackenzie R Scott said...

Agreed. Y tu mama tambien.

- Mackenzie